Trying all New Zealand Craft Beer: A Beer Club

I decided that it would be a good plan to try as many beers made in NZ as possible (ignoring the stock standard fare until later). And so the challenge begins. Myself and 6 "colleagues" who have the same interests will gather once a month at a beer club and sample New Zealand Craft Beer! The initial brief is...Lets start with ale...s! I'm starting with the southern most brewery, Invercargill Brewery and their Pale Ale "Stanley Green" The rest will be revealed after the "tasting"

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Dropping like flies

The numbers are down. Recruiting is not good. But the show must go on!  Yeastie boys Hud a wa! Its a hoppy amber ale that continues to be good. A bit gassy....or maybe we're getting to used to draft and the hand pump! Brewmoon Hophead IPA. Uh Oh...its organic! quite good/tasty! Just in case you weren't sure; stinky feet = hexanoic acid = parmesan cheese. Up next the Tall Poppy India Red Ale from the 8 wired crew. very drinkable...maybe a bit burnt. And of course anything is better if its louder! To finish of the "dessert" beer. The Renaissance Craftsman Chocolate Oatmeal Stout. Looks like a mouthful just writing it. A bit like the James Hardy...pleasant...interesting...chocolatey. And thats another round done.... 143 by my many more to go? Heaps I hope!

yeastie boys
8 wired
renaissance brewing

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