Trying all New Zealand Craft Beer: A Beer Club

I decided that it would be a good plan to try as many beers made in NZ as possible (ignoring the stock standard fare until later). And so the challenge begins. Myself and 6 "colleagues" who have the same interests will gather once a month at a beer club and sample New Zealand Craft Beer! The initial brief is...Lets start with ale...s! I'm starting with the southern most brewery, Invercargill Brewery and their Pale Ale "Stanley Green" The rest will be revealed after the "tasting"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Beer III

[14 July 2009]
Bizarrely this is only the third official sitting...belgian style beers. Early change of venue saw us hitting Hamish's place (still no news!)  So right from the start the comoon factor with belgian styl beers is that the lowest alcohol level is 6.5%!

I had picked up 2 bottles of Invercargill brewery's Boysenberry and, since I was down there anyway got the remaining two (ok so my brother-in-law got them). I wasn't sure what to expect and assumed (wrongly) that it would be bizaar and too sweet. Very wrong and pleasantly surpised. Obviously it was pinkish red in colour and you could taste the fruit but it was good...pretty damn good. We ended up with two different batches 2008 and 2009. You could tell the difference. The earlier 'vintage' had less of an acidic flavour where the fruit had mellowed....niiiice!

Let me say again...Belgain beers are I think it was the tuatara ardennes next. Definetly nice...Ok so I refer to Dave's twitters (?) Much richer than normal beer!

Emersons JP (the second one)... we couldn't wait any longer. The label says it comes with a hint of aniseed! If you like aniseed this beer is great, pity we didn't ... it was drinkable but somewhat overpowering. Still amazed that this beer cam with so much flavour.

Moa 9.5 % St Joseph's tripel... a lot of beer in this one! Chewy ( I think). Its things like these we will need to revisit ( I hear no opposition)

S had the pace of mind to hold back on the big alcohol and Renaissance Paradox Blonde... from was good! Need to revisit this again!

Surprisingly J was awfully quiet by the end of the night... and those cheesymite chips are goood!

Next time its random selections...and fishing...and our first field trip too

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