Trying all New Zealand Craft Beer: A Beer Club

I decided that it would be a good plan to try as many beers made in NZ as possible (ignoring the stock standard fare until later). And so the challenge begins. Myself and 6 "colleagues" who have the same interests will gather once a month at a beer club and sample New Zealand Craft Beer! The initial brief is...Lets start with ale...s! I'm starting with the southern most brewery, Invercargill Brewery and their Pale Ale "Stanley Green" The rest will be revealed after the "tasting"

Sunday, February 13, 2011

NZ Beer

[24 May 2009]


And so its almost time for the second session and I haven't even posted the first session notes. Lets start with the simple caveat that this is simply a few blokes having a beer and its just our opinion. We do want to try every beer produced in NZ thats not licensed to a multi nataional. Night No. 1 is Ale nigh...t or " A few good ales"

So we start at the southern most NZ Brewery - Invercargill brewery and their "Stanley Green Pale Ale". All seems fine but just seemed to lack some body. Not bad but not great. Will reserve judgement on IB for another time.

Next...H brings out the flagon of cellar door emerson's IPA. Big hoppy flavour and up there as a damn good beer. One day I;ll be able to link that spare brain cell to the fact that IPA is a Hop flavour! Check out the website. It is all good right from the start. Congrats to the "Deaf Bastard"...thats what the guys have convinced me that Mr R Emerson calls Cheers Richard.
Renaissance Pale Ale. So with 2 beers under our belt we started to sort out who was having the next nite and what we're going to do.... Along these lines the R Pale Ale went down a treat and whilst it didn't have that special flavour of something it was basically delicious and a definite stand out.

3 Boys Pale Ale. I was lagging behind a little by this stage and talking too much (and too loudly apparently). Somebody mentioned sweaty armpit, someone else agreed and by the time I got to it, it was unanimous! The initial flavour was indeed just like sweaty armpit but that soon left and most of it was consumed. Someone mentioned lychees and we agreed that it wasn't made from the creel out the back with a dead body floating in it. Intriguing. I don't want to know why it eminds someone of an ex.

W's 4.... a bit of a misunderstanding and W brought 4 different ones. In hindsight it was possibly a better option given the results. emerson's bookbinder.   Niiice
Harrington's Big John.... a bit chewy and couldn't taste the bourbon
Greens Man Celt .... don't go there!!!!
Harrington's Belgium Tempest

Macs low carb. Low on the carbs, Low on the flavour. nuff said.
By this stage we were abot to solve some major human issues and have organised a fund for a field trip and the insistance that we will try all of the beers available and not the ones you can just get down the local shop.

Now to finish off the Emerson's IPA....and the peanuts and the pretzels. Wheat beer next! Pick of the nite for me was Renaissance PA followed by Emerson's. The question needs to be asked, Has Mr Emerson ruined it for everyone else? Oh and what was that about American beer being some of the best in the world?

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