Trying all New Zealand Craft Beer: A Beer Club

I decided that it would be a good plan to try as many beers made in NZ as possible (ignoring the stock standard fare until later). And so the challenge begins. Myself and 6 "colleagues" who have the same interests will gather once a month at a beer club and sample New Zealand Craft Beer! The initial brief is...Lets start with ale...s! I'm starting with the southern most brewery, Invercargill Brewery and their Pale Ale "Stanley Green" The rest will be revealed after the "tasting"

Monday, January 23, 2012

December 2011

Ok so its been a while...I've been busy and I might have a rest from these beers ...just enough to write something. We start with the Valkyrie Brynhild golden ale from the Valkyrie Brewing Co. A hell of a lot of stuff about the Valkyrie on the label in a small font and not much about the beer. It actually drinks ok. Nothing bad. Now for the Montieth's Single Source. Very nondescript. Now for the Tuatara Helles. Well bugger me if the Tuatara beers don't have a tuatara on the cap. The beer gets better....after three lagers they are all very similar. And we come to the Flying nun 30 year anniversary Ale from epic. After three reasonable lagers, this is a revelation. The Stoke Bomber Smokey Ale (5.7%)... Interesting ...someone thought they could get layers of biscuits and flowers although this maybe simply bollocks on the label. Its getting dark now and up comes the Wigram dakota dark, its bittery chocolate. smells of vomit or honey? not sure of that wait its bee vomit. Actually its a good dark beer. And we finish off with the 8 Wired Black Dwarf. Mixed feelings from the team but I like it. A dark beer with coffee.

8 Wired

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