Trying all New Zealand Craft Beer: A Beer Club

I decided that it would be a good plan to try as many beers made in NZ as possible (ignoring the stock standard fare until later). And so the challenge begins. Myself and 6 "colleagues" who have the same interests will gather once a month at a beer club and sample New Zealand Craft Beer! The initial brief is...Lets start with ale...s! I'm starting with the southern most brewery, Invercargill Brewery and their Pale Ale "Stanley Green" The rest will be revealed after the "tasting"

Monday, January 23, 2012

End of Year BBQ 2011

Its a good thing that we were just getting together for a few beers and snags, so after we all finally made it we thought we'd have a few of our favourites or as we usually do, bring something new. Without any notes (yes I take notes!) the following are in roughly or maybe the correct order. The Tuatara Helles comes back brought by an old friend. Good for a BBQ. I picked up Invercargill Brewery WASP honey pilsner over the Xmas break on the southern pilgrimage. A new one... Tuatara's APA; Aotearoa Pale Ale, with American Hops hard to obtain, they have done a fine job with the local product. New Steve pops in with Emerson's Bookbinder and the last one for H is Macs Gold. A good day for a beer.

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